Støvring Museum
Støvring Museum is now open in the old folk high school in Støvring.
The museum tells the story about Støvring – from village to a railway town and a local centre.
The exhibitions is about the farming village, the original village, the watermill, the first industrial business at the railways establishment in 1869. Furthermore, about craftsmanship and trade, the inn, industries, and the liberal businesses.
In the history room, you can immerse yourself in written material about the town’s history such as the town farms, documents about local history, and photos etc. In the material, you can among others find a registry of Støvring farms, Buderupholm home farm, information about Jernbanegade, and memories and so forth.
You also have to possibility of seeing films, e.g. in connection with the opening of the museum. Coffee will then be served in the green room, which is one of the schools historical rooms. Maybe you will even get the opportunity to talk with one of the people with local knowledge.
Everyone is welcome.
Entrance: Free